Say hello to the smartest and most idealistic Mining industry


An antique is a work of art, including a piece of furniture.


A precious metal is a rare chemical element of high economic value.


Iridium - A very hard, brittle, silvery-white transition metal of the platinum group, iridium is considered to be the second-densest metal.


Copper Iridium coins are magical and powerful.

About us

We create awesome stuff

US Metals is globally recognized as one of the upcoming top-notch service providers in the domain of radiological safety based in USA. We focus on building a healthy relationship with our users and serve best in this industry. Our expertise shall provide quality assurance services in diagnostic radiology as per the AERB norms. Our well experienced and BARC/AERB trained and certified professional team along with advanced instrumentation and devices will service the superlative expertise, which means your necessity to your gratification and attributed to serving quality assurance service.


Accomplished operators with experienced in all sphere of radiation facility operation and maintenance.


Decommissioning of polluted amenities.


US Metals conveys both knowledge and information for understanding the various waste processing technologies, that includes in-house designs for solid waste management.

Our services

US Metals is just not a name, it is the brand in the world of radiation safety services. We are the “One Source” global technology enabled services provider in the ground of survey & evaluation, testing measurement, inspection, verification etc.

What is Land Remediation?

Taking care of our environment today is the sustainable act for the generations of tomorrow. Land remediation service deals with an exclusive process of removing contaminant materials or particles from surface water, terrestrial, and sediments. This technique is performed for keeping the atmosphere pollution and radiation safe.

The solemn criterion of our land remediation service in India is to protect all living beings and the mother nature from the damaging effects of land radiation.

  • Deforestation
  • Mining & mineral’s extraction
  • Natural source (Cosmic rays and UV rays)
  • Urbanization
  • Man made radiation (Gamma & X-rays)
  • Agriculture
  • Industrial or Nuclear waste products

How we work

We create awesome stuff

We are a team of certified professionals with proven expertise and skilful approach. Our commitment is to render quality service and we ensure your safety from ionizing effects of radiation.

Radiation Survey

Firstly, our competent radiation safety officers visit the entire site for a detailed survey. We use “survey meters” exclusively designed to measure the intensity of the radiation source.


Firstly, our competent radiation safety officers visit the entire site for a detailed survey. We use “survey meters” exclusively designed to measure the intensity of the radiation source.

Radiation Protection

We shield you and your loved ones from hazardous radiation.Our integrated approach to radiation protection and safety makes us a trustworthy name in the service domain.

Post Inspection

The next step is the successful installation of radiation safety instruments as per your requirement. Our devices and modus-operandi perfectly comply with the AERB radiation safety norms.

Work progress

US Metals Research and Development team excels in research and development concerned to the following sectors of radiation safety and protection.

Industrial Safety Development.

Radiation Safety Improvement.

Improvement of Radiation Detectors

Contact with us

A sales engineer will respond with cost and delivery immediately from our local offices in several time zones. We accept all forms of payment and currency and all major credit cards. US Metals provides payment terms for bulk orders and term contracts based on your good credit.

19102 Gundle Road
Texas TX